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Saving the unborn...

To strengthen our efforts, AFLA has continued to make partnerships within and outside Africa. This initiative has opened up the doors in Africa to becoming a global family for the marginalized through abortion.
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Zimbabwe Silent Voices Opens

Your prayers have helped to fully open the Pregnancy Help Ministry in Harare, Zimbabwe. It was not easy for the meetings to take off but with your fervent prayers, the Lord answered and we had a successful launch of the ministry. In order to have an idea of what was going on before and during the training, kindly read through the report from Director Tekere below who was one of the organizers...
He narrates...
“My son in the picture got an X-ray and the CT scan showed he suffered a slightly broken skull on the side and there seemed to be no signs of brain damage nor brain bleeding. However, somewhere in front of his head was where the doctor seemed to be concerned about. On the scan, there was a certain dot which was interpreted to say it was a slight bleed but my boy could be discharged and taken home. We were to look out for specific signs my son may present of which would require further medical attention. We finally went home although after some few hours his condition became worse and couldn't stop vomiting the whole day ( Monday)and people suggested he gets to be admitted. I was not for the idea and I said no having in mind it may also be a spiritual attack against the Pro Life program and felt like it was leading me to the cancellation or postponement of the program . I therefore prayed and fasted the whole day and didn't tell the AFLA team because I knew they would agree to cancel but I spoke to other pastors who also suggested to cancel but i still insisted on not canceling and manifesting to say `the devil is a liar` so it was not easy enough not tell you but still told the AFLA President (Barbra Mwansa) the very day they arrived.After persevering, the next day, my son was feeling way better and I had taken him to my mother’s place and asked her to look after him for the next few days and if anything went wrong she would have to call. I still checked up on him from time to time and she would report that he was getting better although his head was badly swollen at the back were he landed and became unconscious. Later on, I was able to see my son and Barbra Mwansa came along” ... Pastor John always says “Nothing is New it’s just our turn” . The Victory we experienced prior and during the scheduled meetings in Zimbabwe is with much understanding within us because you prayed with us. May the Lord sustain his new work in Zimbabwe, also for the whole country to come to recovery."
Morally within the city of Harare in Zimbabwe, prostitution is rampant now because of the hard economic crisis and poverty. It was recently discovered there are young girls between the age of 9-10 years in prostitution and getting 50c or 25c per session. Therefore, anything that dehumanize the creation made in God’s image should be fought in prayers. Join us again to pray for the Nation and other upcoming ministry opportunities across the continent!